This Is Me

My photo
all images other than computer generated are personal photography and copyrighted property of myself, please do not use without consent, thank you!

Worship Mix


just some thoughts

I'm going to take off right away here and go do some bible study, I was reminded of a workbook that I've been sort of neglecting, but watching Yokeups video today made me remember it and that I need to get it done. Check this out for today, one awesome song...

Been a busy month so far. Latest news is, I cut and dyed my hair, I know, seems trivial, but for me it was a big deal. Ive not had my hair short as this in forever, and its never been a different color, well, not as drastic as this lol.
I heard that something like this, for a woman, can mark a significant change in life. Its a bold statement, that's for sure. So here's the pictures of that for starters lol.

It took two bleachings and two dye kits to get it all after I had it cut. I was thankful that I was sick that weekend and could not smell any of it LOL

Where in the World...?