So, wow, it's been a long time, figured I'd better update those who are interested as to why I've been gone so long. What a crazy busy summer filled with tons of activity and changes, and for the most part its all good. My fiancee found work in Calgary, and we found a place here and moved in mid July, so we've been here three weeks now. What a huge change for me. I always swore that I'd never leave my last place, unless I was either in handcuffs or a body-bag LOL, obviously I changed my mind and found a better incentive....
Still don't know anyone, and haven't gotten out around the city much, but I'm getting there. Found a school for Kristen and she starts tomorrow, it's a year-round school program within the Catholic school board. I think it will be different, but good for her. Her class grade is combined due to numbers, they have a 4/5 and a 5/6, so she will be doing the 4/5 I decided, because she could use the help getting more caught up with some education she has been lacking in due to the poor academics at the last school. Don't get me wrong, it was a great school, and she was very good there and happy, its just that there was alot she was missing out on, and she is a bit behind now.
The city is way different than Edmonton, and I never thought I'd be living here, that's for sure. Much different layout and although it's much more confusing in terms of streets and hat, I am starting to find my way around pretty well so far, at least we are not too far from the C-Train, so that is good. And our place is really nice, I am happy with it. Its in a completely new area of the city, way in the far Northeast corner, ehh, just a few blocks from the edge of the city lol. Huge complex, hundreds of condo units here and they are still building the last of them, they are all within 5 years old, and the community surrounding, shops and that, is all within the past year, basically brand new. Our dentist only opened in February too lol. I took the whole week last week unpacking, sorting and organizing the house to look like a home and now hat everything is set up, my next project is to get some pictures done so I can share the move and the new place with everyone too ;p.
I just learned that I can import my blogs from here to my multiply and other places, so I set that up and now I can keep better in touch with all my sites and contacts, some have been severely lacking in communication lol. Not on the computer nearly as much as I use to be, I've been just way too busy, and I miss being able to just sit down and chat with my buddies, but hopefully with school starting and things settling more, I will get more time for that soon here.
So, yeah, lots of changes, lots of new things to experience, and I am finally happy with where I am and finally starting to be able to look down the road a bit at the future, it doesn't look as bleak as I thought it was anymore, and I'm not alone so that is the most wonderful thing too ;p.