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Worship Mix


Day 2, In the News....

Ok I held back all day but I need to write about this topic. So the hot news of the entertainment circles today is Kim Kardashians robbery in Paris. Now, I'm not a Kardashian fan. I don't recall ever having seen their shows, and I am not a Kanye fan. But the reactions of people on the social pages reporting this story are out of this world insane.
Does noone have any shred of common sense anymore? Yes, she is a celebrity. Yes, she is uber rich. Yes, she is in the spotlight and she loves the attention and she has too much money for her own good and she makes stupid choices. But noone deserves to be a victim of a violent crime. Who cares how much money she has, this isn't about money. And if that is what you focus on, you have a very narrow viewpoint of the whole situation.
Some of the comments I have seen and been given include.. "Good for her", "It's about time she got a dose of real life", "she was asking for it", "she deserved everything she gets", "She should have been shot", "Kill the B***", "karma strikes", "Who cares", and "It happens every day to innocent people". Among scores of other unmentionable replies I won't repeat here.
 Let me say something. It's one thing to play the victim. But it's another side of the coin to blame the victim. ESPECIALLY because of the type of person they might be. There's plenty of hate to go around for the Kardashians, I get it. But regardless of what you think of people in their personal life, noone deserves that. How cold do you have to be to wish harm on another person?
And it happens all the time so who cares? Mentioning other peoples instances is somehow going to downplay hers? She is a human being. She did not ask for it. Yet here they are saying "She shouldn't be flaunting her 5 million dollar ring on snapchat then posting where she is staying, she's just asking for it". Would you say that to a rape victim too? "she was dressed like a whore, she deserved to get raped, serves her right for flaunting herself.". Why is this any different? Because she's a celebrity? Because she is hated? Because she is rich? Because you hate everything about her or are jealous of her somehow? THINK about it, really people.
Who is anyone to decide what life is valuable and which ones aren't? Who is anyone to say who deserves what "karma"?  Yes, horrible things happen all the time to many different people. And not all of them are loved and adored. But that never makes it right for them to be a target. What part of human decency has left this world that mankind would begin to think this sort of attitude is okay or acceptable? It's disgusting to see the hate people have and throw around TBH. And so many self proclaimed religious people that have this hate in them too. They have Jesus posts all over their facebook then go on a news page and say things like "kill the B***". No wonder people are confused when it comes to telling people about Jesus!
If it were you, I tell them, or your family, you would be singing a different tune that's for sure. You'd be crying bloody murder and suing the pants off the entire country of France for doing you wrong. But Kim, she's a fair target. And let's just say that Kanye, as much as HE is hated right now too, was a great support to his wife. He dropped everything in a hot second to be there for Kim. He left in the middle of a concert and travelled across the world to be there for her and he brought her home. Those complaining that she just "up and left the country", have obviously not be througha traumatizing experience where at the end of the day all you want in the world is to just go home. And all you can come up with is to shame her for not sticking around because that somehow implies her guilt? I lost confidence in humanity over this one again, deplorable.
I was going to touch on another subject but this is enough for me today lol. All I can leave you with is "There, but for the grace of God, go you..."  

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