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Day 3...Distracted
It's the 6th of the month and I am just sitting down to write a third entry. This doesn't look good, I am already behind after starting late. But I'm still here. I've been somewhat distracted. I meant to sit down earlier but my girl had her friends over and between teenagers playing rock band full blast and other chores, I haven't been able to think straight much less form complete sentences and write comprehensibly lol. I showed up to bible study this morning thinking today we met in the morning instead of our usual afternoon. Even though I was told more than once that next week is the week we meet in the morning and I have the dates in an email. I could read it three times in a row and still forget what day and what time. Fortunately I didn't go ring the doorbell upon arriving and seeing no one there I sat for a minute or 2 before I realized my mistake. Well, that was not as embarrassing as it could have been. Last night I was frustrated trying to get to the other bible study, the world seemed to conspire against me to get me to not be able to go. I was blocked in by a homeless guys cart in the middle of the road when he was across the complex picking garbage. A driver cut me off, my maps wouldn't work so I had no idea where to go, the line at Tim's was a mile long and the rattle on the car would not leave me alone for 3 seconds, and I was cut off again by another driver. And my sister wanted to text and chat, she was in the hospital again. It was after I pulled over in a store parking lot to try to take a minute to vent and calm down that I finally realized that I didn't even have bible study that night, or the week after. All that frustration for nothing. Or was God trying to tell me something, maybe, but I probably wasn't listening anyways.Ironically enough, our study Thursdays is on the Holy Spirit and today we were talking about how to recognize Him.Distractions come in so many forms. It is sooooo easy for me to get side tracked.Sometimes the devil is subtle sometimes he's outright bold. And it could be hours before I even recognize it's happening. I am working on that. My biggest downfall is technology. I get the feeling that might be my next addiction to tackle but let's just not think about that right now lol. I am learning that when I do have a moment of clarity that I have to get motivated pretty darn fast and get something done because who knows when it will pass and for how long. It might seem simple to most, but it is a challenge for me. Finding that sweet spot where I have 1- clarity of thought, 2- motivation, 3- energy and time, and 4- physical strength now that, is the ultimate challenge. This is a goal for time management. More than writing a list. Because I have hundreds of lists that never get done; they're pretty much useless. So here I am writing day 3 on day 6, and trying to think ahead but let's be honest, I will likely finish this and stare at the wall for an hour or so before I decide to go to bed and feel guilty again because I got nothing else done. This is one step forward. And as long as I don't take a step back, one step forward is progress, right?

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